Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Still alive?

Yes, I am still alive even though I haven't had much time to write on my blogs.

Since I don't have much time to write much and I don't want that to be the just message of this post, I will write quickly about something I did and post a video (again).

Last weekend I went to see the Blue Man Group in Geneva with my wife. If you have no idea what the Blue Man Group is, you should get out of your cave more often :-) (or look at this website).

It was the "How to be a megastar 2.1" performance. I really enjoyed it and I recommend to everyone who likes theatrical acts that incorporate rock music (with an emphasis on percussion), odd props, audience participation, sophisticated lighting, and large amounts of paper (took it from Wikipedia :-)). Well, if you do not know whether you might like it or not, just check the video. It is the beginning of the performance I attended, with exactly the same artists.


Unknown said...

Got you some trouble on my blog. Check it out and feel free not to participate ;).

not a real geek said...

you gotta start posting again. It's been more than one year :)