Thursday, January 24, 2008


Today I will write about some of the nonsense that crosses my mind from time to time.

Sometime ago I was wondering why evolution did not make us with four eyes instead of just 2. I mean, how come Spiders managed to end up having eight eyes while us, supposedly superior human beings, have just 2. Wouldn't it be nice to have an extra eye on the back of our heads so that we could see what is going on all around us? I am convinced that an individual with four eyes would be more likely to survive on a hostile environment like a jungle or a company office. Maybe we are just an intermediate step of evolution towards a human being with more eyes.

Actually, some of my freckles seem to be sensitive to light. At least my dermatologist told me that they could turn into skin cancer if I overexposed them to the sun. The positive side of this is that my descendants might evolve to having more than just a couple of eyes and take over the world as a new superior species. All of a sudden, I started to feel like an X-man or one of those weird characters in the TV Series "Hereos."

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